Nexus is pleased to announce that it was awarded 'Winner' in the Construction Management category and 'Runner-Up' in the Integration category of the AEI National Competition!
Nexus is an interdisciplinary engineering team comprised of seven members from the four building system disciplines: Construction Management, Lighting / Electrical, Mechanical, and Structural.
Nexus' Mission Statement:
To develop a high performance elementary school that merges education with the community that is safe and cost effective while functioning as a learning tool.
This thesis is a part of the Charles Pankow Foundation Annual Architectural Engineering Student Design Competition hosted by the Architectural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The competition is a project involving the design and construction management of the engineered aspects of a high performance building including the structural systems, building envelope, mechanical systems, and electrical systems. For more information, please click on the AEI Competition link below.